- I rarely spend more than £1 on each item of jewellery because...
- Jewellery is generally quite cheap to produce, so I think it's absolutely ridiculous for some shops to sell a pair of earrings for £15.
- Most jewellery from high street shops are absolutely TERRIBLE quality. Very few items that I own haven't broken within a few weeks of purchase, so usually end up having to be soldered back together/ fixed with pliers/ super-glued back together by either me or my dad.
- I will probably lose it. Making this post has made me realise just how many of my favourite items are missing. They are just so small, and easy to lose, most of my items are probably sucked up in the vacuum, or in a field somewhere.
- I don't buy...
- Really beady jewellery. It's just not my thing. I do like pearls and turquoise though.
- Cheap, chained metallic necklaces, because I think that I'm probably allergic to it, since it can be really irritating on my skin. I only wear the ones that I currently own under a collar or something similar to provide a barrier between the metal and skin.
- Long, dangly earrings, mainly because I have a phobia of my earlobes stretching or ripping. I am being deadly serious, as I have honestly had recurring nightmares about this happening, and it is very traumatic.
Tribal and Ethnic
Here is a real mish-mash of stuff from all around the place. Surprisingly, most of these items are from lots of different places that I/family members have traveled to. I absolutely love the yak skull necklace (which I got from I almost went to Tibet last year)and the large silver necklace, just need to think of a way to wear them out more! Not too sure why I have 3 turquoise earrings though.
Studs and Skulls
This group of jewellery are the items I actually wear the most frequently, by far! Possibly my favourite item (ever!) is my brass pyramid earring (right hand bottom corner) but as you can see, there is only one, as I lost the other one at a party, leaving me distraught. I am ever on a search for a replacement, but I can't seem to find any as good. Loving the collar-esque necklaces at the moment.
Girly and Kitsch
These items are all quite old, but I don't really wear them much at all at the moment, as my style has changed. I still love my Winnie the Pooh bracelet though (which I dad actually found on the floor - we aren't hobos, honest), but it is currently in need of a new battery.
So there you go, just a peek inside my jewellery collection, as this literally isn't even half of it. I am still upset that I have lost my favourite fish bones dangly earrings and blue and gold earrings, since they are some of my favourite items. This is why in half term, I'm planning on making some sort of jewellery solution, to actually store these items. At the moment, I've got this make shift Ferrero Rocher box which I drilled holes in to store my earrings.
At the moment, I have lots of items that I want to buy, such as some collar tips, body armour necklaces, evil eye rings, ear cuffs, more collars etc. But this is the only item that I'm really craving.
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Opal Studs by Regal Rose |
Cool tings,
Rebecca x
P.S. Please excuse my terrible attempts at some arty-farty depth of field. I also didn't bother editing the colours/ cropping the images too, as my laptop is far too slow, so they are look really grey. Once I sort things out (such as the dimensions of this blog) I will have better clearer and larger images for you guys.
P.S.S I have been really liking this one song, need to check out some more of their songs!
It reminds me of Sleigh Bells - (who's new song "Comeback Kid" sucks.)
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