
Monday 8 April 2013

"Imagination is more important than knowledge"

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Coat - Topshop, Disco Pants - American Apparel, boots - Dr Martens, jacket - Vintage Kilo Sale. 
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This "ugly-chic" or just down-right ugly jacket/shirt thing only cost a bargainous £3 from the Vintage Kilo Sale. The Vintage Kilo Sale is basically one of the coolest events I've ever been to.
They have them in loads of different cities around the UK, but the one I went to was at Hackney Downs Studios and it was a warehouse filled with containers full of vintage clothing. You pay for clothing by weight, and 1 kilo (roughly 4-5 items) only costs £15 - I managed to snap up 5 items in total for only £15. I also enjoyed it greatly as the sort of people who attend these events are just so individual and cool, with plenty of eye-candy - just people-watching is fun in itself. The next one is this Friday and Saturday, 12-13th April also at Hackney Downs Studios.Even though lots of people say that it has a "reputation", I love East London as it is just so diverse and multicultural. I think that if you live your life worried about presumptions, then you will miss out all the great experiences that could have had.

It is finally the Easter holidays which means the commence of preparation for the looming summer exams. However, I have an orchestra course starting tomorrow til the end of the week which is disconcerting as I've barely done any revision. Instead, I have been enjoying the recent Film 4 Studio Ghibli season and having lie ins. I suppose that I have had enough time to do some blogging, but to be honest, dressing stylishly or rather interestingly has not been something that I have been motivated to want to do. I fear that I am losing my blogging touch.

Anyway, I can't think of anything else to add to this post even though I thought that I had loads I wanted to talk about.

Goodbye for an undisclosed period of time,

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  1. YOu are SO cute!! Love the jacket and your hair is amazing!!

  2. In love with the shirt, absolute bargain! I know how you feel, my easter break is just finished, i'm not sure if I can survive 7 more weeks of school and exams until summer, sad times:( x

  3. love the jacket.

    I went to the last kilo too - mainly bought accessories though.


  4. I;m going to one of these says in 2 weeks in Bethanl Green, I'm so excited. That shirt is gorgeous!

  5. I love your coat Rebecca! You got yourself a bargain!

    XOXO Sade

  6. omg the vintage kilo thing sounds awesome! wish there was one near me. love your outfit, cute shirt and boots. ahh ive been watching those movies too, massive studio gibli fan! x

  7. Just absolutely gorgeous, you and the jacket. Can't believe you got it for cheaps! Just so beautiful.

  8. Ooooh I love your shirt! xx

  9. You're so cute :) I love your leggings. I just came across your blog and I'm your newest follower. I'd appreciate if you could stop by our blog whether you follow back or not :) We're also having a $100 gift card giveaway right now! x x


    $100 LuLu*s Gift Card GIVEAWAY!!!


Go on then, what are you waiting for? Type a comment. I know you want to... ;)