
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Join the Fray

floral headband - Primark, necklace - DIY, shirt - DIY, shorts - Urban Outfitters, socks - Primark, boots - Doc Martens
Photobucket Yes, that is right, I made that crazy shirt. Yesterday I had a huge tie dye/hippy party with my friends (more detailed post about this coming tomorrow) and I decided to tie dye almost all the white things in my wardrobe, so look out for more tie-dye stuff in the future!

I made the fatal mistake of not using warm water, so most of the items have come up pastel coloured, but I don't particularly mind that. Then I went a bit scissor happy and decided to shred it up with plenty of fringing, creating this top as a result. It does sort of fit the hippy theme to my party with the tie dye, but it is more something that I would imagine you would wear to a festival. I probably did this subconsciously because I am not going to any festivals this year. :(

And yes, I know what you are thinking: "Rebecca, you are an utter failure! Only two days into BEDIS and you have already managed to miss out a day!"

I really dislike making a promise and not sticking to it, but I have been seriously busy these two days with the tie dye party and other such shenanigans. I wasn't even in the right frame of mind for today's post, but I felt like I couldn't let you guys down. I have filmed a video to accompany this post, as well as snippets of my tie dye party and me cutting this top, but I have not had time to edit them. I also took these pictures when it was super late, hence the awful lighting, but I felt like I had to put something up!

See you tomorrow (fo'shizzle) and PEACE!

Rebecca x

P.S. Does anyone actually still read my garble below my pictures? Am I writing too much in my posts? Please inform me of your opinion in the comments below!

Sunday 22 July 2012

Triple Burgundy

Headband - Accessorise, top - mum's, skirt and belt - River Island, sandals - M&S, bracelet - Primark, lipstick - starry-eyed by Rimmel
Yes, I am bringing back this awesomeness - if you are a hardcore ScatterrBrained fan, you guys will know what I am talking about.
Did you know that burgundy is a red colour associated with the wine of the same name, which in turn is named after the Burgundy region of France? (You probably did as it's pretty common knowledge, so a fail on my behalf...)

Today's outfit is pretty different to most of my outfits as it is quite put together and feminine - two adjectives I usually don't associate with my style. However, I do like it, so I am sharing with you today for day 2 of BEDIS: Blog Every Day In Summer!

Ciao for now!

Rebecca x

P.S. Just an early warning, I may not be able to complete BEDIS tomorrow as I'm super busy with a tie-dye party! I apologise in advance, but since I did two posts yesterday, I hope that compensates!

Saturday 21 July 2012

I'm sitting on the ventriloquist's knee, allowing his hands somewhere they shouldn't be

Headband - Topshop, bracelet and choker necklace - Claire's, top - Hype, skirt - River Island, shoes - Vans
I think I'm hot

Wow finally, a post which has gone to plan and hasn't taken multiple days to complete!

For the start of BEDIS (Blog Every Day In Summer), I am featuring a black skater skirt. I bought this skirt a few days ago from River Island for only £10 with a giftcard I got for my birthday. It's slightly big for me, but I just rolled it up once. I love how it is made out of this shiny black material since it reminds me of skirts that you would wear for dance.

Also, I love having my hair like this in two little buns. I think it makes me look very Chinese and I think I should wear my hair like this more often. Lots of my favourite bloggers all seem to be so I think I should lose my inibitions and do too.

I am also very happy about the fact that I managed to finish a video in less than 10 hours for once and I think I might stick to this sort of format for my OOTD's as it makes them slightly more interesting. To enhance my videos further, I really want to include some sort of background music - anyone know of any good places to get royalty free music?

Anyway, thanks for sticking around, see you tomorrow!

Rebecca x
P.S. The title of this post is from a song called Lion by Eugene Mcguiness. I have literally been in love with this dude's music recently, and I think he is a lyrical genius, especially in this song Lion. Have a listen!
P.P.S. New post on PeaaBrained too - Fluffy Bunny Challenge! Wow I am pwning BEDIS!

Friday 20 July 2012

Pull Yourself Together Now

Hat and striped leggings - Hype, tie-dye vest top - DIY, necklaces - Claire's, China and Prague, shoes - New Look

I always seem to be moaning and always negative on my blog nowadays and I realise that this has got to stop! I'm just going to quickly vent all of the issues I have with this post and move on: I don't like the fact that I look super grumpy, the video is literally terrible, I have written / filmed various other outfits but I am having serious IT problems and the photo's white balance are both messed up.

Now for the positive things! 
  • BEDIS: Blog Every Day In Summer!
I am honestly sick of my terrible-ness as a blogger, hence why from today, I am going to re-commence BEDIS, which stands for Blog Every Day In Summer! No more tardiness from me. I going to try to post at least every day either on this blog or Peaabrained, my second personal blog, so keep remembering to check back.
  •  Giveaway?!
I have started gathering some super cool items for a super cool giveaway which I will be hosting soon. A quick hint for one of the multiple items in the giveaway: it's included in this outfit!
  • DIY posts/videos?
This shirt was tie-dyed by yours truly about two years ago- I realise it hasn't turned out that great but I feel like I'm quite familiar with the process now and in fact on Monday, I am having a tie-dying party. Would you guys be interested in a video regarding how to tie-dye? I have also done a few other t-shirt customisations recently and I think that would be pretty cool to show in a video post too.

Again, apologies for being a moody cow recently - it's just frustrating and discouraging when I've spent hours (literally) working towards content for this blog, but it hasn't materialised into posts. However, blogging is something that I cannot see myself without in the near future, so I'm just going to try to forget the past and start again fresh with new and better posts. I have done a tad bit of shopping, thus my need of new clothes to document has been forfilled.

See you tomorrow in BEDIS: Blog Every Day In Summer*!

Rebecca x

P.S. *I might have to miss a few days of blogging this holiday, but I'm going to try as hard as I can as I don't really have any excuse to not to. The large majority of my friends are on the otherside of the world having fun on holiday, but instead of weeping in my sorry, I'm going to channel that energy into creating great blog content for you.
P.P.S. Just because I am feeling nice to you guys and I don't have enough new findings to create an entire music post, here is a dude I have just stumbled across who is literally so talented. 16 year old Leo Stannard is definitely one to watch for the future - yes he looks like he could be in One Direction, but he has a voice which I would compare to the likes of the amazing Ben Howard with his incredible tone. I also love his guitar playing with all the harmonics. Enjoy!

Monday 16 July 2012

Patterned Shirt and Smart Trousers

Patterned shirt - charity shop, trouses - mum's, socks - New Look, brogues - M&S
Here is the same shirt from the last outfit post, but styled with some smart trousers instead of leather shorts to make them suitable for my sixth form induction, where the dress code was smart/casual.

I think I have slightly improved my editing skills, but the quality of the video is still pretty lacking. I am learning and hopefully the next few videos will be even better. I apologise about the fact that the video is so quiet, but I was talking a load of nonsense anyway most of the time. Again, I feel like a parrot by constantly regurgitating the fact that I have been very inconsistent with my blog writing and video making. However, now since it is the holidays, I hope I will have more time for more regular posts.

On the other hand, I have stumbled across a slight problem - I have run out of clothes to blog about! However, this is a perfect incentive for me to do some shopping, especially since I have acquired quite a few gift cards for my birthday.

Thanks for being loyal to my blog, even though I have not been that loyal myself to it.

Rebecca x.
P.S. I am very slightly worried about some of my viewers to my YouTube videos - someone who commented on my video seemed to have a disturbing fetish for disabled people sex (I'm not even joking...). Luckily I've blocked him, but it's still rather worrying! 
P.P.S. New post on my second blog - My Birthday Wishlist!

Saturday 7 July 2012

Patterned Shirt and "Leather" Shorts

Patterned shirt - charity shop, shorts - local shop, thick leggings - Primark, boots - Doc Martens
As I said in the video, I love this garish shirt. It reminds me of the Bayeux Tapestry as it document a specific moment in history, just like how the Bayeux Tapestry documents the Battle of Hastings. It depicts this huge village scene where there are people travelling across the river via oxen (THAT'S THAT WORD I WAS THINKING OF IN THE VIDEO!), washing their clothes in the river and just generally carrying out their daily lives but in a way which is so foreign and simplistic compared to our complicated lives nowadays.

Also as I mentionned in the video, I am almost developing a thing for gaudy and loud patterned shirts, so I may film a "How I style Patterned Shirts" video anytime soon. Thus I think that that is a perfect incentive for you guys to head on over to my YouTube channel and subscribe?! ScatterrBrained's Youtube

As usual, I apologise for the terrible quality of video and the aspect ratio again. I think it is YouTube's fault since before I upload them, the aspect ratio seems fine.


Rebecca x
P.S. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. I was sort of depressed in the morning, but your comments really did cheer me up - thank you.

Friday 6 July 2012

Stripes and a Bow Tie

Shirt - Punkyfish, bow tie - charity shop, striped leggings - local shop, shoes - Topshop
I honestly have no reason why it is 4:3, when I recorded and uploaded it 16:9 widescreen ratio. It's really annoying as it's made me look really squished up and thin. I wasted hours of my life trying to correct this and because my perserverance can only last for so long, I've just left it how it is, so please excuse this. Again, the quality is pretty shitty. To be honest, it is rather frustrating as I'm no longer happy with my blog being a mediocre blog - I want it to be a fantastic blog and to be hindered by something as trivial as this is getting on my nerves. 

Anyway, I'm not very happy at all with this post, but again, waste not want not, so here it is.  


Rebecca x 

P.S. It is my birthday today and I hate birthdays, hence why I'm in a bad mood. POST EDIT: Thank you to everyone who has said Happy Birthday and for your kind words. I have now cheered up now and you guys are such babes. :)